

The route in Vib Cloud represents a cluster of equipment and associated tasks grouped for execution by the operator. Each route is created once and can be reused many times to many different operators. Routes are developed and assigned at the web portal while route data collection is done at the mobile application. The system does not have a limit for the number of routes, you can create as much as needed.

Each route consists of a route description and route structure. The route description is something route to be recognised by while route structure refers to all equipment, tasks and measurement points to be collected for the route. Think of this as a route setting or header to the route package.

Once the route is assigned to a practitioner system creates a route instance. Route instances now is a full package holding route settings, the practitioner that will execute the work and schedule for execution. Also, the route instance is where data collected is stored. The route can have many instances and once the instance is created it will not be affected by further amendments to the route. Hence deleting the route will not delete the route instance. Likewise, when deleting route instance data from that particular instance will be deleted not route or any other instance from the same route.

Rote Management

Can be accessed from the home screen by clicking “Route Management” from the “Collection” section or from the menu on the left within the same section.

Once inside the “Route Management” module you can create new routes or amend existing ones. To create a new route:

  1. Enter route name or short description in the “Route Description” field;

  2. Insert equipment from the “Structure” tree on the right to the Route Structure using:

    1. Drag & drop or

    2. Right-click on the required equipment and click on the “Include in Route Structure” option;

  3. Select tasks/parameters you want to be part of the route:

    1. By default, all task's parameters are selected. Option to the de-select either entire task or single task parameter;

    2. Option to reorder route equipment (either using drag & drop or “Move to top” and “Move to the bottom”) and remove equipment from the route;

  4. Repeat 2 and 3 for all equipment you need in the route;

  5. Click the “Save Route” green button.


To amend the existing route please select the route you need to edit from the drop-down menu marked as “Select Existing Route”. After the selected route is loaded in the form below. Perform the changes (same steps as for creating a new route explained above) and save the route.

Additional functionalities:

  • Filter by Description

    1. Start typing searched entity;

    2. Select searched node (either equipment, task or parameter);

    3. Click on “Search” button to open and position the structure tree to the searched entity

  • Filter by Level - filter up to third-level nodes

    1. Select nodes starting from First Level. After selecting, the structure bellow will be refreshed and will contain only the sub-structure of the selected node

    2. Click on the “Clear” button to initialize the structure

Assign Routes

As the name suggested “Assign Route” is used to allocate route to the operator. It can be accessed from the home screen by clicking “Assign Route” from the “Collection” section or from the menu of the left within the same section.

To assign the route to the operator:

  1. Select route;

  2. Select the operator;

  3. Schedule the execution of the route has three options:

    1. Permanent – set it only once. No scheduling required, route is always available on the mobile application;

    2. Scheduled for a particular date – set date or

    3. Set scheduler to assign route on particular frequency;

  4. Click on the “Assign Route” green button.

Note once you selected the route you need to assign, the software will automatically load it below assigning form and provide better visibility.

The assigned route is in fact an instance of the route created for the specific operator to execute. One route can have many instances – can be assigned to many operators and with different frequencies.

Complete Routes

Routes can be completed from the mobile application (explained in the “Collect / Review Data” document) or from the web portal. Usually, routes are completed from the mobile application as an operator have more control and knowledge of what has been collected or if the route can be marked as completed even if not entire data is collected. The web portal is rarely used for route completing, only in special cases, for example operator lost their mobile device. To complete a route from the web, go to the home screen and click on “Complete Route” from the “Collection” section or from the menu of the left within the same section.

All routes assigned to you will be listed in this module and completing any route is done just by clicking on the (a) “Complete” green button and (b) confirming on the following dialog. Once the route is completed its data will be ready for further analysis. Please note from this module user can also “Complete and Close” permanent routes. The “Complete and Close” option is only available for the permanent routes and by clicking on the (c) button user will be (d) notified that if they complete and close the route, the route will be no longer available on the mobile application.

Note: The difference between permanent and scheduled routes is only in the scheduling mechanism. Permanent routes are set only once and without any date related, they work at the operator convenience or schedule. While scheduled routes (with or without scheduler) work on a pre-determined schedule.

To allow quick access to data complete route provides a filtering option. Filter (a) is located at the top of the screen and collapsed by default. User can open the filter by clicking on the arrow sign icon (b) on the right side of the panel. Filtering can be done by setting options and applying a filter:

  1. Route;

  2. Operator – on a load of the module this field defaults to the logged-in user;

  3. Date range (From-To);

  4. Is it completed or not;

  5. Is the route permanent and

  6. Click on the “Apply Filter” button.

Deleting Routes

Open route management module and follow those steps:

  1. Select (open) the desired route you wish to remove;

  2. Review and confirm this is the route you are after;

  3. Click on the “Delete Route” red button;

  4. Confirm route deletion in the pop-up dialog box by clicking “Yes, delete it!”

Please note, by deleting the route you are not deleting the route instances and collected data. Only route settings.

To remove route data, please open “Collect / Review Data” section and remove the route instance from there.


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