User Profile

User Profile

User Profile is where the user can manage their personal details like Name, Role, Contact phone, change profile avatar or change password.

The user account is initially created by iTnnovate support team. After receiving account credentials it’s strongly recommended that the user should change the password after the first login.

User Profile can be accessed from the small pop-up menu, from the user details section, by clicking on the “Profile” link, or from the menu on the left by clicking on the “User Profile” link under the “Administration” section.

Manage Profile

Personal user details that can be managed in User Profile:

  • Name

  • Role (in a company)

  • Phone

  • Set / Change Avatar - Click on the “Select Avatar” button which will open the browser widow for selecting an image from your local computer. Please note that files must be image files (.jpeg,.jpg,.png,.gif) with the maximum allowed size of 1MB. If the file doesn't satisfy these conditions it will be ignored and will not be saved.

User specified application settings:

  • Frequency Unit - frequency unit in the analysis form

    • Hz - default option

    • RPM

    • Order

  • Date Format - display date format in the various sections in the application (tables, reports, analysis)

    • yyyy-mm-dd (2021-05-25) - default option

    • dd/mm/yyyy (25/05/2021)

    • mm/dd/yyyy (05/25/2021)

    • dd mmm yyyy (15 Jun 2021)

  • Time format (check for 24-hour time format) - display date format in the various sections in the application (tables, reports, analysis)

After changes are made, click on “Confirm Changes” in order to save them.

Change Password

Account password can be changed at any time. By clicking on the “Change Password” button, a new form will be opened with options for inserting:

  • Current Password

  • New Password

  • Confirm New Password

Changing password sequence will not be validated in a case when

  • “Current Password” is not inserted correctly

  • “New Password” and “Confirm New Password” are not identical

  • The new password doesn’t match the required format - it must contain one non-letter character, at least one digit ('0' - ‘9') and at least one uppercase (’A' - 'Z')

After the required data are inserted, click on “Change Password” to change it.

Profile application settings

There are several application settings that can be defined per user account:

  1. Save last filter settings in the Review Data form - By selecting this option, application will remember the last filter settings in the Review Data form and apply it as a pre-defined filter.

  2. Analyse Module - Single Spectra (Default Frequency Ranges) - The user can pre-define frequency ranges for each Parameter Type (Acceleration, Velocity, Demodulation). Each time user enters the Analysis module - Single Spectra and selects a parameter for analysis, if the frequency range is pre-defined, corresponding spectra will be displayed in that range.

  3. Analyse Module - Default Parameter Types - The user can select which parameter types to be displayed each time when Measurement is selected for analysis. By default, all parameter types plus raw waveform will be displayed. If no parameter type is selected, only Acceleration will be displayed.

  4. Analyse Module - Show Bearing Status - Bearing Status Parameter observes the ratio of the highest peak acceleration to the effective RMS acceleration value. It’s identification for the roller bearing diagnostic in accordance with DIN ISO 13373-3. It’s not recommended for machines powered by a gear unit or machines for which there is usually heavy background noise. By selecting this option, the Bearing status parameter value will be displayed in the trend chart, along with RMS values, and the Bearing status and value will be displayed next to the Acceleration RMS value above acceleration spectra in the analysis module.


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