


Structure is the backbone of Vib Cloud. It is a user-friendly tree structure outlining assets hierarchy and associated tasks and parameters. This is module where you define what equipment needs to be inspected and what data should be collected. It can be accessed from the home screen by clicking “Structure” from the “Database Setup” section or from the menu on the left within same section.

Structure nodes


  • Location - Usually used for grouping equipment or helping build hierarchy; Right click on parent node, desired area where you would like to create new location, and select “Add New Node”.

New modal dialog opens presenting structural node form including following fields:

  • Code - Unique ID (Alphanumeric maximum 128 characters);

  • Description - (mandatory) Node name or short description (Alphanumeric maximum 512 characters);

  • Asset Class - Equipment classification, managed from Administration – Asset Class;

  • Asset Type - Equipment type, managed from Administration – Asset Type;

  • Criticality - Location or equipment criticality, managed from Administration – Criticality;

  • Node Type - (mandatory) Each node can be of following types:

    • Location

    • Equipment or

    • Component

  • Equipment - Node where we group all task required on the equipment (Machine);

  • Component - Sub level of equipment used if more detail breakdown is required on reporting or data collection;

  • Task - Grouping of parameters, used to group similar parameters by type or easy access. Say visual inspection will have more images, GPS or response set parameters while vibration inspection will include vibration, numeric and signature parameters. Right click on parent node, desired area where you would like to create new task, and select “Add New Task” or “Insert Task from Templates” (For working with templates please check “Templates” section of the documentation).

After clicking “Add New Task” modal window pops up presenting task form outlining its fields:

  • Description - (mandatory) Name or short description of the task (Alphanumeric maximum 512 characters);

  • Duration – Estimate time for the task (Decimal);


  • Parameter - The actual data required to be collected. They can reference physical areas also known as measurement points or other information required from the field, example cleanness of the area. Right click on task node and select “Add New Parameter”.


New parameter modal window pops up outlining main parameter fields:

  • Description - (mandatory) Name or short description of the parameter (Alphanumeric maximum 512 characters);

  • Type - (mandatory) Parameter type, eight parameter types are available:

    • Date/Time - Time and date data. Example: time of the inspection;

  • GPS - Location based data obtained by the mobile device GPS location data. Example: location of the inspection or machine;

  • Image – Binary (image/photo) data. Example: photo of the machine or area;

  • Response Set – A set of predefined responses that user can select. 100% customisable by the user (see documentation for response sets). Example: “Condition” response set will include “excellent”, “very good”, “average”, “poor” and “very bad” options;

  • Signature - Binary data. Example: practitioner signature or sketch;

  • Text - Textual data, user needs to type information on the machine or area, Example: field comments;

  • Numeric - Numerical data. Units of measure and limits are available for this parameter. Limits color coding would be presented to the data collection person during the measurement on the mobile device;

  • Vibration - Vibration data. Example: 1H - motor NDE measurement point. This parameter requires more settings than rest of the parameters. You need to number the position, select direction (horizontal, vertical, axial or other), select processing sets for acceleration, velocity, demodulation and waveform and select limits. Processing sets and limit sets are defined under “Database Setup” section “Processing Sets” and “Limit Sets” module respectively.

Below are listed all nodes and associated icons so they are easily recognisable in the tree.


Structure functionalities


  • Add / Edit / Delete. Please note if you delete node holding tasks all collected data would be deleted;

  • Copy and paste;

  • Drag and drop option;

  • Structure Identification – each node can have additional data related. System caters for following attributes:

    • Barcode – Alphanumeric field;

    • GPS – Latitude, Longitude and Altitude;

    • 1xFrequency (Hz) – Numeric field;

    • Nameplate – Image;

    • Photo – Image and

    • Sketch – Image.

  • Document Library – each node can have Microsoft Excel or PDF document related. Document can be reviewed in the analysis module and are usually used to store 1xFrequency of the equipment and vendor manual;

  • Structure Notes – each node can have notes that can be related to the route or directly to the equipment. Notes written in the mobile application are visible here;

Please note: you have full freedom of creating your own structure and crafted for your needs. This document only outlines the possibility of the Vib Cloud solution.