Account Information

Account Information

VibCloud accounts are created by iTnnovate.

Account subscriptions are based on the amount of data and interaction with the servers (cloud).

Data Usage

Standard license covers up to five (5) accounts and up to 5GB of data. Each additional user is allocated 1GB of data usage per year. Extra GBs of data usage are charged on top of the subscription.

Data history is kept for the last 3 years, then if not advised otherwise removed from the server.

One machine encapsulating 17 vibration parameters, 1 text, 1 GPS and 1 signature if measured once per month (12 times per year) will occupy about 0.008 GB per year. Please note those numbers are for guidance purposes only, the amount of data can vary based on the vibration parameters settings.

Account Usage

Each account relates to one physical user (person). It is a breach of the license if the account is shared among coworkers and can result in:

  • No user traceability - Data can be unintentionally deleted or overwritten without knowing responsible user or users;

  • Data privacy and data breaching - The mobile database will be replicated across mobile devices that are using the same login credentials;

  • Data corruption – if there is simultaneous data collection and synchronization by many users using the same credentials.

On a very rare occasion, it is allowed clients to use dedicated devices and use one account per device not per user. Please contact us for more information if this is the model you would like to explore further.

Best Practices

Data collection and handling of route data

  • Assign only required routes - reduce unnecessary traffic

  • Avoid assigning the same route multiple times at once. Consider using permanent routes

  • Synchronize mobile applications with the cloud frequently, if possible on daily basis after every data collection. Frequent synchronization:

    • Reduce the probability of any data loss in case of mobile device failure or theft

    • Lower amount of data is transferred to the cloud, thus synchronization is faster

  • Complete routes after data have been collected. Completed routes will be saved to the cloud and then removed from the mobile device allowing users to work only with outstanding routes

Device change

  • Synchronize all data from the old device

  • Remove (uninstall) VibCloud app from the old device

  • Install the VibCloud app to the new device

  • Synchronize your new device app with the cloud

  • DO NOT try to synchronize from both devices simultaneously. This can result in data loss.


Always use the most current application

Having the latest, most updated, app on your mobile device gives you the benefit of the most secure and efficient experience of VibCloud. Please make sure your app is frequently updated, if possible make this automated process. Alternatively:

  • Go to “Play Store” / “App Store”

  • Search for the VibCloud application and

  • Check and install if there is an update available






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