


“Analyse” module is created as a tool for vibration analyst user. It offers different analysis types and option to record findings as well as suggesting appropriate actions to the client. Can be accessed from the home screen by clicking “Analyse” from the “Analysis” section or from the menu on the left within the same section.


Analyse module is fragmented into three parts:

  1. Header;

  2. RMS trend and

  3. Spectra.


Header includes following features:

  1. Analysis type – select one option from “Single Spectrum”, “Multi Spectra”, “Multi points” and “Waterfall”;

  2. Structure – tree structure for easy access to the required parameter;

    1. Search functionality - Click on “Search” button next to tree structure control. Pop-up appears with searchable drop-down control

  3. Buttons to navigate to previous/next parameter in selected equipment;

  4. Equipment – info on the equipment, task and parameter;

  5. Analysis Summary – access to the module for writing findings and suggestions;

  6. Menu with additional features:

    1. Overall Value Summary Table

    2. Analytics Assistant - more details on Analytics Assistant

    3. Collected Route Data

    4. Signal Processing Set

    5. Notes – notes for the equipment and associated parameters;

    6. Equipment library document XLS/X;

    7. Equipment library document PDF;


RMS Trend Graph presents the trend of the RMS values for the collected data and includes the following options:

  1. Graph – presenting RMS values for selected processing methods (5). Data behind can be accessed by clicking on any of the points on the trend. By default, the last data collected point is selected;

  2. Point Measurements – List of all data collection for the selected point. The maximum number of different data collection per point is five. Measurement that is considered in the RMS trend and spectra below is ticked on the right side marked with “a” on the image. To change the measurement considered to other measurements from the list just click on the target icon at the beginning of each row, marked with “b” on the image below;

  3. Timeframe – Time span user want to review. This effects RMS trend;

  4. Amplitude range – Two options are available automatic and custom. Automatic considers maximum and minimum RMS values collected for the timeframe selected and sets the range while custom allows user to set them manually;

  5. Processing methods – All available processing methods for selected parameter. They can be turned on or off by clicking on corresponding button.


Spectra section lists all spectra, associated waveforms and analysis options for selected processing methods. Each processing method (acceleration, velocity, demodulation) have horizontal segment where it outlines spectrum and cursor options.

Note: By default all parameter types (acceleration, velocity and demodulation) and raw waveform will be displayed unless it’s otherwise specified in User Profile settings.

Set/Get 1xFreq for selected equipment (features available for all cursor types):

  1. Label Displaying 1xFreq value set for current equipment. 1xFreq can be set either from spectra or from Structure Identification form.

    1. Get 1xFreq from the cursor - Set 1xFreq from the current cursor position

    2. Find nearest highest point and interpolate frequency (from current cursor position)

    3. Locate peak information

    4. Clear 1xFreq

  2. Insert 1xFreq manually. Insert value in the box and click on the “Manual entry” button

  3. Default 1xFreq (from left to right)

    1. Get default 1xFreq for current equipment (defined in Structure Identification form)

    2. Set 1xFreq as default for current equipment

    3. Delete default 1xFreq for current equipment

  4. Show top 10 peaks - opens a pop-up table with top 10 peaks for current spectra.

There are three types of cursor available for analysis: single, harmonic and sideband cursor. Each cursor type has a different marker on the spectra.


The analysis screen allows inserting of multiple cursors from one type (represented by a different color on the spectra) and a combination of multiple cursors from different types.

Steps to analyze collected data by single cursor:

  1. Select one of the colors from Single Cursor by clicking on the corresponding cell in the single cursor row;

  2. Mark cursor on the spectrum

    1. Click on the spectrum point - this will automatically show an arrow pointer with the selected color;

  3. By hovering over the spectrum with the mouse pointer cursor table is updated accordingly showing frequency, amplitude, order for location, hover and delta;

  4. “Move Cursor” helps navigate with the cursor in the spectrum. Inside controls will move the cursor by one point in the respective direction while outside controls will move it by five points

Steps to analyze collected data by harmonic cursor:

  1. Select one of the colors from Harmonic Cursor by clicking on the corresponding cell in a single cursor row;

  2. Mark cursor on the spectrum - this will automatically show the select position of the first harmonic and display all other harmonics on the spectra. Harmonics would be marked on the spectrum by dots with a slight vertical line with selected color

  3. Set number of harmonics (default is 10)

  4. View inserted harmonics cursors - opens pop-up table outlining harmonics details

“Move Cursor” helps navigate with the first harmonic in the spectrum. Inside controls will move the cursor by one point in the respective direction while outside controls will move it by five points


Steps to analyze collected data by sideband cursor:

  1. Select one of the colors from Sideband Cursor by clicking on the corresponding cell in a single cursor row;

  2. Mark central frequency on the spectrum. Central frequency would be marked on the spectrum with a vertical line with the selected color.

  3. Click the “Cursor” button next to the “Centre Freq.” text box to confirm the central frequency

  4. Mark delta on the spectrum - this will automatically calculate delta frequency based on the position of the cursor and selected central frequency and display all sideband cursors on the spectra.

    1. Sideband cursors would be marked on the spectrum by rectangles with a slight vertical line with selected color

  5. Set number of bands

  6. Clear Delta frequency - this will clear all sideband cursors and allow the user to redefine delta frequency.

  7. Clear central frequency - this will clear all markers related to the selected sideband cursor and allow the user to re-set again.

  8. View inserted sideband cursors - opens pop-up table outlining sideband details

“Move Cursor” helps navigate with both central frequency and delta frequency on the spectrum. Inside controls will move the cursor by one point in the respective direction while outside controls will move it by five points

Each inserted cursor can be further managed by the selected corresponding cell in the “Cursor Type / Color Matrix”.

Steps to delete inserted cursor:

  1. Click on the “checked” sign on one of the existing cursors in the “Cursor Type / Color Matrix”.

  2. Confirmation is required for removing cursor from the spectra

  3. By confirming, all cursor markers will be removed from the spectra

Pending on the parameter settings (if the waveform is selected for collection or not) row waveform section is visible at the bottom of the analysis module. Here use can:

1) listen to waveform collected during recording

2) download is also available

Additional Analysis features

Fault Frequencies

Steps to display Fault Frequencies on the spectra:

  1. Select one of the previously linked fault frequencies (listed by code)

  2. Click on the icon next to the list to display the frequencies list

  3. All frequencies are clickable. Clicking on one of them will display them on the spectra


Please Note: 1xFreq must be defined in orde to show them on the spectra.

Steps to link Fault Frequencies (same for both Bearing and Gearbox):

  1. Click on the icon on the left to open menu

  2. Click on the Icon to open form

  3. Search for the required Frequencies (either Bearing or Gearbox)

  4. Click “Link Type” to link selected one with the current parameter. Linked Frequencies types will be listed in the table bellow.

There is also an option to remove linked Frequencies by clicking “Remove” button on the right end at each table row.

Band Alarms

  1. Show/Hide Band Alarms on the spectra (if there are created or linked band alarm frequencies with current parameter)

  2. Click Icon to manage related Band Alarms


Steps to link Band Alarm Set:

  1. Select Band Alarm Set from the list;

  2. Click on “Link” button to display all band alarm sets frequency ranges. Frequency ranges will be displayed in the table bellow with marker at the beggining of each row.

Note: If Band Alarm Set is not required for current paremeter there is an option to remove the link by clicking on the “UnLink” button.

Steps to create parameter specific Band Alarm Frequency Range:

  1. Click on “New Band” button to open form for creating new band alarm frequency range;

  2. Insert values in form fields:

    1. Band Name

    2. Start and Stop Frequency

    3. Values for Normal, Investigation, Warning and Alarm

  3. Click on “Save Changes” button to save inserted values

Functionalities in the list of band alarms:

  1. Option to select which Band Alarm Frequency ranges to be shown on the spectra;

  2. Functionalities for parameter specific Band Alarm Frequency Range

    1. Edit - Amend existing one;

    2. Delete

Analyze Normal Waveform

If option to store Normal Waveform for current parameter and for specific parameter type is marked in the parameter setting form, icon for Analyze Waveform will be visible. Click on the icon to open form for analyze normal waveform.

Steps to analyze normal waveform:

  1. Mark cursor on the spectrum by clicking on the spectrum point;

  2. Check “Show delta harmonics”:

    1. By default there are 5 delta harmonics set, but this can be changed by the user;

    2. Click on “Set” button to set number on delta harmonics.

  3. Mark Delta by clicking on the spectrum point. This will automatically display as many harmonics as they are specified in previous step and information for delta time and delta frequency;

  4. By hovering over the spectrum with the mouse pointer cursor table is updated accordingly showing time, amplitude, order for location, hover and delta;

  5. “Move Cursor” helps navigating with cursor in the spectrum. Inside controls will move cursor by one point in respective direction while outside controls will move it by five points;

  6. Option to change y-axis unit;

  7. “Save as Evidence” button grabs a print of the spectrum (including the cursors or zoomed in or out) and saves it as evidence for the corresponding analysis

Cyclic Plot

If option to store Normal Waveform for current parameter and for specific paremeter type is marked in the parameter setting form, icon for Cyclic Plot will be visible. Click on the icon to open form for cyclic plot preview.

Steps for preview Cyclic Plot:

  1. Click “Get” button to get 1xFreq from Equipment setup (if it’s defined);

  2. Option to manually insert 1xFred:

    1. Insert 1xFreq value;

    2. Click “Manual entry” to set - cyclic plot will be re-drawn

  3. Option to change unit;

  4. “Save as Evidence” button grabs a print of the the plot and saves it as evidence for the corresponding analysis;

  5. By hovering over the spectrum with the mouse pointer cursor table is updated accordingly showing amplitude and angle.

Spectra Notifications

Steps to insert new notification:

  1. Select frequency on the spectra where Notification will be displayed

  2. Click on “Insert Notification”

  3. Insert notification text

  4. Click “Save Change” to save notification and display it on the spectra

Manage all created notifications for current parameters spectra:

  1. Click on “All Notifications”

  2. Show/Hide Notifications on the spectra (if there are created notifications for current parameter spectra)

  3. Option to select which Notifications to be shown on the spectra

  4. Functionalities for Notification list

    1. Edit - Amend existing one;

    2. Delete

Full Frequency Range / Profile Frequency Range (Optional - depending on user profile settings)

If a pre-defined frequency range is set in the User Profile, for some of the parameter types (acceleration, velocity or demodulation), corresponding spectra will be displayed in that frequency range. In that case, there will be an available option to switch between showing full frequency rage and showing profile frequency range.

Bearing Status Parameter (Optional - depending on user profile settings)

Bearing Status Parameter observes the ratio of the highest peak acceleration to the effective RMS acceleration value. It’s identification for the roller bearing diagnostic in accordance with DIN ISO 13373-3. It’s not recommended for machines powered by a gear unit or machines for which there is usually heavy background noise.

If this option is selected in User Profile, Bearing status parameter value will be displayed in the trend chart, along with RMS values and Bearing status and it’s value will be displayed next to the Acceleration RMS value.

By clicking on the Bearing status pop-up will appear with Vibration intensity diagram displaying the ration of the highest peak and effective RMS acceleration value.


  • Blue range - Very low value

  • Green range - Normal value

  • Yellow range - warning

  • Red range - alarm

Show in Report

If selected, current spectra will be displayed in the reports.

Save as Evidence

Save current spectra as image and relate it with condition analysis.

Clear Spectra

Clear all markers related with cursors, notifications, fault frequencies and alarms.

Condition Analysis

Condition Analysis or Analysis summary can be accessed from the header of the Analyse module by clicking on the “Analysis Summary” icon located on the top right corner.

This module can also be accessed from “Equipment Status” module and equipment page by clicking on the “Analysis Summary” icon in front of the equipment or on the right side respectively.

It is designed for analyst to write their analysis summary and propose actions to the client. Includes following features:

  1. Drop down including past analysis, used to navigate through all equipment analysis;

  2. Open a new analysis;

  3. Analysis evidence – section to store all external document or images supporting user findings;

  4. Equipment condition trend. Trend is clickable and used to in same manner as a top down box – to select (load) past analysis;

  5. Timeframe dropdown linked to the condition trend;

  6. “For measurements done” dates dropdown lists from-to dates when route was started and completed;

  7. “Overall Values Summary Table” icon shows overall RMS values in a tabular format. If limits have been specified for the parameters they would be visible here in a traffic light system;

  8. “Route Details” icon when clicked presents all information for the route analysed;

  9. “Condition” dropdown outlines equipment condition for selected analysis instance;

  10. “Analysis Summary” text box contains analyst findings and comments;

  11. In “Proposed actions” area analyst suggests action/s to the client;

  12. “Feedback” section is nominated for the client feedback related to the selected analysis or route;

Overall Value Summary Table

Overall Value Summary Table can be accessed from the menu icon located on the top right corner. Table contains measured values for all vibration parameters from equipment where current selected parameter belong and from the same route.

Collected Route Data

Collected Route Data can be accessed from the menu icon located on the top right corner. List contains measured values for all parameters from selected measurement (selected route).

Signal Processing Set Info

Signal Processing Set Info can be accessed from the menu icon located on the top right corner. It contains information for settings in selected processing sets for each Acceleration, Velocity, Demodulation.


Notes can be accessed from the menu icon located on the top right corner. This form contains notes for the equipment and associated parameters.

There are two types of notes:

  1. Equipment notes - notes related for the entire equipment

  2. Parameter notes - notes related to specific parameter from the selected equipment

Equipment notes:

  1. Click to create new Structure Note

  2. Search through list of all nodes in the client structure

  3. List of all structure notes already defined with information for when and who write the note, for which measurement date are notes related, note text as well as marker that indicates if current note is important or not.

  4. Options for Edit and Delete each note

Creating new Structure Note:

  1. Selecte Measurement Date

  2. Mark if the note is important

  3. Insert free text

  4. Click to Save the changes

Parameter notes:

  1. Select Parameter from the list (list of all Equipment parameter)

  2. Click to create new Parameter Note

  3. Search through list of all parameter in current equipment

  4. List of all parameter notes already defined with information for when and who write the note, for which measurement date are notes related, note text as well as marker that indicates if current note is important or not.

  5. Options for Edit and Delete each note

Creating new parameter note is the same as creating structure note explained above.