Band Alarm Sets

Band Alarm Sets

Band Alarm Sets are sets of limits defined by the user regarding the specific frequency range that will be used by the analysts. They can be accessed from the home screen by clicking “Band Alarm Sets” from the “Database Setup” section.

Creating new Band Alarm Set

  1. Open “Band Alarm Sets” module, explained above in this document;

  2. Click on the “Create new Band Limit Set” button on the right side of the screen;

  3. New modal window pops up outlining band alarm set form;

  4. Fill form fields:

    1. Select type (Acceleration, Investigation or Demodulation);

    2. Description

  5. Click on “Save Changes” button

Creating Band Alarms for each Set

  1. For each Band Alarm Set, click on the button “Band Alarms”;

  2. New modal window pops up outlining band alarm frequency range list form;

  3. Click on the button “New Band Alarm Frequency“

  4. New modal window pops up outlining band alarm frequency range form

  5. Fill form fields:

    1. Start Frequency;

    2. Stop Frequency;

    3. Limit values for:

      1. Normal, Investigation, Warning and Alarm);

  6. Click on “Save Changes” button

Functionalities of Band Alarm sets

Each band alarm set can be:

  1. Edit – Amend existing band alarm set;

  2. Delete – Remove band alarm set.

Note: deleting band alarm set will result in resetting the drop-down box to no selection – “Select Band Alarm Set” for the related vibration parameters. While editing limit set will have no impact on the linked vibration parameter except amended details.

For usage of both types of fault frequencies, please check Analysis page - section Additional Analysis Features - Band Alarms.

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