Parameter Types

Parameter Types

Parameter is the actual data required to be collected. They can reference physical areas also known as measurement points or other information required from the field, example cleanness of the area. To create parameter right click on task node in the structure module and select “Add New Parameter”.

New parameter modal window pops up outlining main parameter fields:

  • Type (mandatory) Parameter data type (Drop down menu for selection);

  • Description (mandatory) Name or short description of the parameter (Alphanumeric maximum 512 characters);


Vib Cloud caters for eight types of parameters:


Date/Time - Time and date data. Example: time of the inspection;

GPS - Location based data obtained by the mobile device location equipment. Example: location of the inspection or machine;

Image - Binary data. Example: photo of the machine or area;

Response Set - Predefined responses. Example: “Condition” response set will include “excellent”, “very good”, “average”, “poor” and “very bad” options;

Signature - Binary data. Example: practitioner signature or sketch;

Text - Textual data, user needs to type information on the machine or area, Example: field comments;

Numeric - Numerical data. Units of measure and limits are available for this parameter. Limits colour coding would be presented to the data collection person during the measurement on the mobile device;


  • Vibration data. Example: 1H - motor NDE measurement point. This parameter requires more settings than rest of the parameters. You need to number the position, select direction (horizontal, vertical, axial or other), select processing sets for acceleration, velocity, demodulation and waveform and select limits. Processing sets, Band Alarm Sets and limit sets are defined under “Database Setup” section “Processing Sets”, “Band Alarm Sets” and “Limit Sets” module respectively.

1 – buttons to reset Signal Processing Sets

2 - buttons to reset Band Alarm Sets

3 – Reset Limit sets

Parameter must be saved (created) before defining Failure Frequencies and Defining Analysis Assistant

Please note that if vibration parameter need to be edited and data has been already collected with current vibration parameter settings, change will affect data continuity and will require extra caution during analysis. Also if vibration parameter is part of the Analytic Assistant set, it will be removed.


Vibration Parameter related features

  • Analytics Assistant – Link vibration parameter with equivalent vibration parameter (if exists)

  • Fault Frequencies – link fault frequency type (one or many) which will further be used in analysis


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