Getting started

Getting started


What is it

VibCloud is a platform for vibration data collection and analysis. The system consists of: vibration sensor, mobile application and web application. It is based on a structured database and supports route data collection, alarms and measurement setups, trending, analysis and reporting. Besides vibration data system can also collect photos, location data, free text and many other inspection parameter types. Quick solution overview is available at following link Solution Tour.

What you need

To start collecting and analysing vibration data all you need is approved vibration sensor, mobile device and VibCloud account (license).

  1. USB accelerometer - USB Digital Accelerometer

    1. VibCloud has been designed to work with a range of different accelerometers. However, out of the box it supports Digiducer 333D01USB Digital Accelerometer.

      More information on Digiducer on following LINK.

  2. Mobile device

    1. Any mobile device from our list of verified devices will work. Most of the development and testing has been done on Cat S60 and Samsung devices.

      Download mobile application from following LINK.

  3. A development workstation - Internet Browser

    1. Development workstation can be desktop, laptop or tablet device equipped with internet browser and connection to the Internet. Most of the modern internet browsers are compatible, however we do recommend using Google Chrome Version 55+

      Download latest Chrome from following LINK.

  4. VibCloud license - User Account

    1. VibCloud registered account. Usually user credentials are represented by user email address and provided password. This account is used by the user to access web and / or mobile application.


Initial one-off setup

  • Develop equipment structure – Open structure module (Home – Database setup – Structure), right click on the root node and start creating your equipment hierarchy. Make sure task/s and parameters are created under each equipment outlining what data needs to be collected.

  • Configure vibration measurement point - Each vibration measurement point is consist of two parts: vibration parameter (the actual point in the structure) and associated vibration signal processing set/s. VibCloud comes with standard (mostly used) inbuilt vibration processing sets. However, we do recommend validating them and if necessary creating new ones. Make sure your processing sets are in place before creating the vibration measurement point in the structure.

  • Create routes – Open route module (Home – Collection – Route Management) and follow those steps:

a. Enter route name or short description in the “Route Description” field;

b. Drag equipment from the “Structure” tree on the right;

c. Select tasks you want to be part of the route;

d. Repeat b and c for all equipment you need them in the route;

e. Click “Save Route” green button.

Data collection process (more info)

  • Assign route to a user - Open assign route module (Home – Collection – Assign Route) and follow those steps:

a. Select route;

b. Select operator;

c. Schedule the execution of the route has three options:

i.      Permanent – set it only once. No scheduling required, route is always available on the mobile application;

       ii.      Scheduled for a particular date – set date or

       iii.      Set scheduler to assign route on particular frequency;

d. Click on “Assign Route” green button.

  • Collect data using mobile device – Open mobile application and follow steps bellow:

a. Tap on the route you where you need to collect data;

b. Tap on the task that you want to perform;

c. Collect data;

d. Go back to the home screen and swipe down. This saves collected data to the cloud.

  • Review collected data – Open collect / review data module (Home – Collection – Collect / Review Data), click on the data button and review collected data per route.

Analysis process (more info)

  • Decide on equipment to analyse – Open equipment status module (Home – Analysis – Equipment Status) evaluate what equipment needs attention and click on blue “Analyse” button;

    • TIP: Equipment are ordered by worst limit breached from the latest measurement.

  • Previous step will open analysis module that can independently be accessed from home page (Home – Analysis – Analyse). From there you select analysis type, drill down to equipment structure, select parameter and start analysing related spectra;

  • Write analysis summary and recommend actions – open analysis summary module by clicking on the P-F icon located on the top right corner of the analysis module and write your findings and proposed actions

Communicate results

  • Generate analysis report – Open reporting module (Home – Analysis – Report);

  • See equipment map – Open map module (option from the navigational menu on the left);

  • Dashboard – constant live review of selected equipment and statistics – Open dashboard module (second option from the top at the navigational menu on the left).


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