

“Report” module, as name suggest, is a module for reporting – extracting collected data as well as analysis comments and evidence in PDF format. Can be accessed from the home screen by clicking “Report” from the “Analysis” section or from the menu on the left within the same section.

Vib Cloud offers three different analysis reports: “Single Equipment Report”, “Analysis report – Structure based” and “Analysis report – Route based”.

Requirement for all analysis reports, as name suggests, is equipment to have recorded analysis against. For more information on how to analyse equipment data please check help section module under “Analysis – Analyse” section.

To build a report please click on “Generate Report” green button under desired section. Modal pop up window titled “Report Settings” will be presented requesting additional information required by the system to generate report. Report settings is structured to allow user to choose which equipment they will report on and ability to choose which data section would like to include in the report. All settings can be saved for future used by the user by clicking on the “Save Settings” green button. Please note those saved settings are personal and only available to the user not the company. Deleting of the settings is done by clicking on the “Delete Settings” red button. By clicking on the “Close” white button user can exit report settings pop up while by clicking on the “Generate Report” blue button will initialise data gathering and building of the report.

Below are explained report settings fields per report type:

Single Equipment Report


1. Equipment List: List of available equipment in the database with at least one analysis record. Please select one equipment. If you can not see equipment you would like to report on in the drop down menu most likely there are no analysis done against it;

2. Measurements: List of measurement per selected equipment in step 1. Please select measurement (route) you would like to report on;

3. Saved Reports: Drop down menu presenting previously saved settings;

4. Report Title: Please enter title for your report here;

5. Include Part 1: Part 1 is introduction - Why we have conducted the measurements and generated this report. Select this checkbox if you like report to include introduction section;

6. Clicking on the little arrow under part 1 will show text box where user can enter introduction text, usually executive summary;

7. Include Part 2: Part 2 includes all available Structure Identification data including Nameplate, Photo and Sketch (Diagram);

8. Include Part 3: Part 3 includes Condition and Recommendations (data from last analysis);

9. Include Part 4: Part 4 includes Overall Value Summary Table from measurements related with selected Measurements;

10. Display Alarms: As name suggest by ticking this checkbox alarms would be marked in the report;

11. Include Part 5: Part 5 includes selected spectras from related measurements;

12. Clicking on the little arrow under part 5 will show further options where user can select particular vibration parameter as well as report on only selected spectras. Spectra selection is done under analysis module

13. Include Part 6: Part 6 includes Evidences from selected Measurements. Only images are displayed while documents are listed with their file names. Evidence list to be selected each time report is generated;

14. Clicking on the little arrow under part 6 will present interface where user can select which evidence they would like to include in the report:

a. Evidence List – clicking on the button will show all available evidence for the analysis;

b. Please select desired evidence (mainly images) you want to show in the report. Note if there are documents or pdf type evidence they will be only listed in the report, their content will not be shown;

c. Click on “Set Selected Evidence” green button to confirm usage of the selected evidence in the report.

15. Include Part 7: Part 7 includes Legend of all colors and acronyms used in displayed data as well as Disclaimer;

16. Include Disclaimer: Please check this textbox is you need to include a disclaimer to the report;

17. Clicking on the little arrow under disclaimer section will show text box where user can enter disclaimer text;

Example report, with all available content ticked.


Analysis report – Structure based


1. Equipment List: List of available equipment in the database with at least one analysis record. Multiple selection is allowed in the dropdown menu;

2. Saved Reports: Drop down menu presenting previously saved settings;

3. Report Title: Please enter title for your report here;

4. Include Part 1: Part 1 is introduction - Why we have conducted the measurements and generated this report. Select this checkbox if you like report to include introduction section;

5. Clicking on the little arrow under part 1 will show text box where user can enter introduction text, usually executive summary;

6. Include Part 2: Part 2 includes Equipment Condition Summary Trend (List of conditions for the latest 6 analysed measured values per structure);

7. Include Part 3: Part 3 includes Condition and Recommendations (data from last analysis);

8. Include Part 4: Part 4 includes Overall Value Summary Table from measurements related with selected Measurements;

9. Display Alarms: As name suggest by ticking this checkbox alarms would be marked in the report;

10. Include Part 5: Part 5 includes selected spectras from related measurements;

11. Clicking on the little arrow under part 5 will show further options where user can select particular vibration parameter as well as report on only selected spectras. Spectra selection is done under analysis module;

12. Include Part 6: Part 6 includes Evidences from selected Measurements. Only images are displayed while documents are listed with their file names. Evidence list to be selected each time report is generated;

13. Clicking on the little arrow under part 6 will present interface where user can select which evidence they would like to include in the report. Same interface as in single report settings except here equipment where evidence belong is also listed in the table;

14. Include Part 7: Part 7 includes Legend of all colors and acronyms used in displayed data as well as Disclaimer;

15. Include Disclaimer: Please check this textbox is you need to include a disclaimer to the report;

16. Clicking on the little arrow under disclaimer section will show text box where user can enter disclaimer text;

Example report, all available content ticked (Extract only, not all pages shown).


Analysis report – Route based


1. Route List: List of routes with at least one condition analysis associated to the containing equipment;

2. Measurements: List of measurements per route;

3. Equipment List: List of equipment within the selected route with analysis for the selected measurements;

4. Saved Reports: Drop down menu presenting previously saved settings;

5. Report Title: Please enter title for your report here;

6. Include Part 1: Part 1 is introduction - Why we have conducted the measurements and generated this report. Select this checkbox if you like report to include introduction section;

7. Clicking on the little arrow under part 1 will show text box where user can enter introduction text, usually executive summary;

8. Include Part 2: Part 2 includes Equipment Condition Summary Trend (List of conditions for the latest 6 analysed measured values per structure);

9. Include Part 3: Part 3 includes Condition and Recommendations (data from last analysis);

10. Include Part 4: Part 4 includes Overall Value Summary Table from measurements related with selected Measurements;

11. Display Alarms: As name suggest by ticking this checkbox alarms would be marked in the report;

12. Include Part 5: Part 5 includes selected spectras from related measurements;

13. Clicking on the little arrow under part 5 will show further options where user can select particular vibration parameter as well as report on only selected spectras. Spectra selection is done under analysis module;

14. Include Part 6: Part 6 includes Evidences from selected Measurements. Only images are displayed while documents are listed with their file names. Evidence list to be selected each time report is generated;

15. Clicking on the little arrow under part 6 will present interface where user can select which evidence they would like to include in the report. Same interface as in single report settings except here equipment where evidence belong is also listed in the table;

16. Include Part 7: Part 7 includes Legend of all colors and acronyms used in displayed data as well as Disclaimer;

17. Include Disclaimer: Please check this textbox is you need to include a disclaimer to the report;

18. Clicking on the little arrow under disclaimer section will show text box where user can enter disclaimer text;

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